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About Us
Jinqi Electronics, born for smarter ASIC products and more efficient supply services, is a semiconductor and device design company focusing on ignition control. We are committed to creating a safe, secure, manageable and controllable cornerstone for ASIC, empowering all clients with more competitive strengths and more value into their products and applications. Our enduring goal is to facilitate the ignition process to create a better world for humanity.
JQ Series
Industrial Explosion
JQA Series
Automotive Safety
JQE Series
Fire Emergency
JQF Series
Firework Pyrotechnics
JQH Series
High Reliability
Industrial Explosion
Electronic Detonator Ignition Control ASIC 2.0
Automotive Safety
4 Firing Loops Automotive Airbag Ignition Control ASIC
Ignition Control ASIC for Pyrotechnical Safety Switches of Electric Vehicles
Fire Emergency
Intelligent Automatic Fire Extinguishing Ignition Control ASIC
Single Firing Loop Anti-fall Airbag Ignition Control ASIC
Ignition Control ASIC for Fire Extinguishing in Electrochemical Energy Station
Firework Pyrotechnics
Ultra Large-Scale Firework Ignition Control ASIC 1.0
High Reliability
Highly Reliable specialized Ignition Control ASIC 1.0